Join us, and be a Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres Member
As a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres has members rather than shareholders, and new members are always welcome. Membership is open to anyone who supports the Charity’s purposes, as contained within its founding documents, and who can fulfil the criteria for membership.
Becoming a member is an opportunity to play an active role in support of the organisation, both in practical and prayerful ways throughout the year, and also through your attendance at the Annual General Meeting, when you can contribute to and influence the Charity’s future.
Further membership activities and opportunities to meet for fellowship and recreation are being planned.
Our Purpose
Our Purpose
An obligation for membership of CEHC Ltd is to support the Company’s purposes [ aims] and therefore be able to act in the best interests of the charity. These purposes are enshrined within the Objects’ Clause, as set out in the Company’s founding documents. These documents contain the Rules and Guidelines that CEHC Ltd as a Company and a Charity are subject to, in relation to both Company Law and Charity Law. They are referred to as the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association.
The Objects’ clause for this Charity reads as follows:
To promote and advance the Christian Religion by the provision of facilities calculated directly to promote the more effective working of all Christian Churches.
Copies of the full documents are available by contacting our Membership Secretary.
Membership Application
Criteria for Membership
- Applications must be individual and not joint.
- The applicant must be 18 years old or over.
- The applicant must understand and support the aims of the charity: to promote and advance the Christian religion by the provision of facilities calculated directly to promote the more effective working of all Christian Churches.
- Ideally the applicant will have stayed at one or more of the holiday centres. However, within the current circumstances it is acceptable for the applicant to have visited at least one of the holiday centres.
How to apply
- Please apply in writing (by letter or by email) to our Membership Secretary.
- Include all of your contact details: name and title, postal address, telephone number and, if possible, an email address.
- Please accompany your application with a payment of an interest-free loan of at least £100 per applicant, which is returnable on cancellation of membership. Payment can be made by cheque (payable to CEHC Ltd) or by electronic payment: Sort Code: 01-10-01, Account Number 41373324. Please mark any electronic payment with the reference “Mem / your surname” to allow us to identify your payment.
Holiday Support Fund
Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres Ltd (CEHC) operates a Holiday Support Fund. The Fund continues to provide holidays at our holiday centres, Beechwood Court and The Pleasaunce for guests with particular needs who would benefit from a break.
Legacy and Wills
The work and mission of Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres Ltd have benefited many during its first hundred plus years – deepening our faith and enabling us to meet fellow Christians. Many have become lifelong friends, or on occasions, life partners.
We would like to encourage you to consider leaving a bequest to Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres Ltd in your will. Whatever the size of your legacy, it will make a real difference to the generations who follow us.
Newsletter Sign Up
Here at Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres, we regularly send out newsletters to keep you up to date with everything that is going on throughout our Centres and the plans that God has for us over the next season. If you would like to stay in touch and be informed of what's going on across our Centres, please submit your name and email address and we'll put you on our mailing list.